About Us
CHAMP is a Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
According to one of the longest-lived and most robust findings in mass communication, television models behavior. And one of the oldest and most robust findings in psychology reports that the young are particularly susceptible to the effects of modeling. To assess those effects, scholars require content analysis of media content.

This project is necessary because past content analysis of media portrayal of risky (e.g., cigarette smoking) and positive (e.g., using a seat belt) behaviors has not been continuous, comprehensive, or appropriately effective in influencing how media are produced. The project will include an integrated content analysis of the behaviors — both positive and negative — that are modeled in media. With the funding of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this Web site will provide scholars and practitioners with access to the code sheet definitions, reference lists, and results of content analyses of top 30-ranked popular films from 1950-2004 and a sample of television dramas and music videos, as well as a phase that covers teen internet use.
Possible categories to be analyzed include violence (homicide, suicide, rape, armed robbery, unarmed robbery); substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, inhalants, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc.); and mental health/illness, including eating disorders, poor eating habits, risky sexual behavior, drunk driving, unsafe driving (speeding), failure to wear seat belt, and bullying. In addition, we would focus on problem solving and effective coping with health risk behaviors, exercise, safe driving, designated driver, seat belt use, safer sex, helping others avoid dangerous behavior, and help seeking such as wearing a bike helmet, stopping someone who is drunk from driving, and seeking treatment for mental illness.